Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Welcome to the Thunderdome

Call me Ishmael or better yet call me the single most opinionated fuck in the world. Though I must clear up some pre-emptive questions I’m sure you are all just dying to ask. In no way must you take anything I say here seriously. Take me with a grain of salt, much like someone with an affliction for affliction would do his shot of patron shortly after he mumbles something monosyllabic about how bad his tattoos hurt for his other paisons to understand.

The impact of having one's own personal long tail is huge. I see it as a way to expand my footprint and leave most (who don’t understand my sick and twisted brand of comedy
or for that matter any comedy to speak of) with a bad taste in their mouth.

Given the fact I have no advertising posts, my intent is not for traffic only to point of the variety of societal wrongdoings of the present, but mostly to shit on the "Conquistadors" of anti-culture, you know who you are. So sit back, dig, while I give each of you your respective mind fucks.

P.s. If you are unsure as to what type of person i was referencing to in the above this may clear it up..Photobucket

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